Jade Maru
Favorite Answer
'Highly' emotional- yes. Those people just seem so overdramatic, whiney, and like they're trying to get everyone to focus on them because they feel underappreciated or something. Physically weak but with strong emotions- not so much. It really depends on how the author did it.
old lady
That depends entirely on the story, and why the character is physically weak and highly emotional. In an appropriate setting, such a character can play an important role in a story, but you have to know how to use the plus factors, as well as the negative aspects.
Well if the character is complaining and getting emotional about relatively insignificant things then yes. But if he or she is going through real hardship then I can sympathize with their emotions, no matter how dramatic they may be. And the fact that the character is physically weak just makes them seem more vulnerable and worthy of sympathy in that case.
I hope I helped!:)
Highly emotional is fine, as long as it matters.
If they cry and nearly puke just from going to a new school then I get annoyed.
yes, of course, you say "highly" emotional, which by the start means that it is too much emotion, duh