If Deity is the symbol of God the mega-reality, who is greater?

Consider this : The picture of the Spring is usable even in Winter. So could the picture be deemed to be greater than the season? This logic puts Deity on a higher dais. But I like to know if it is alright, that is to say, if Deity is greater than God. (It may be noted that Deity is the symbol of God.)


Brent : Pls stick to idea.
Candy : What about modern/ symbolic art?
Seeker : Look at the utilitarian side. American flag isn't any less for an American. And you can't fly the whole of America at the tip of a pole!
Pasquale : Mystique and symbolism are two different things altogether. Symbolism is more technical, tactical, utilitarian, intelligent paradigm. It is the concise and precise meaning.
aeiou_i : Universe isn't an implicit mass, it is an explicit configuration, a hierarchical configuration that needs to be made concise for instant use. Take for example the case of your sublime feelings about motherhood and the need for symbolizing your own real mother in terms of that sublimity. When you mother is away, even her earring could serve your memory amply. Deity is a philosophical construct, true, but always in terms of the first principle that the believer would like to be reminded of.

pasquale garonfolo2011-07-14T13:29:49Z

Favorite Answer

Man did make and goes on making God in man's own image and similarity, thus God is made identical with a large white-bearded patriarch sitting in Heaven and that will love those that adore Him and that will punish those that will not respect the admonitions of God's high holy deputies here on this Earth. Thus the good people of Christianity will be admitted to the presence of the glowing assembly of singing Angels and of blissful Saints and thus into God's ever loving nearness, while the sinners will be grabbed by the nasty deputies of ferocious ever grinning Satan and hurled down into the terribly scorching flames of ever burning Hell for their perennial damnation.

The Deity is an idol. Materially and even more ethereally, the picture can be made greater than all the extant pictures of the Deity or of the Deities.

During a sun-kissed Winter you may have pleasant mildly scented days with plants reviving and with birds singing looking for sites for nests and with people taking off their coats. It may even be quite sensational. Then you might exclaim that it is or feels like a springtime day and for you the picture of whatever is near and even the wide landscape with dales with blue lakes with near or distant woods with shining high mountains towards the sky and towards the line of the horizon can be greater than that of the seasons altogether.

A deity material and or ethereal is a wondrous or even weird humanly contrived divine personality while God may be thought of as being the almighty creator of Deities and of the immense Cosmos, of whatever micro-reality or mega-reality imaginable and even unimaginable that was created and that will be created and with which God is identical. It may be said that whatever material and ethereal life is cells or atoms of the immense perhaps never ever entirely imaginable body of God.

The symbol may be made greater than the symbolized. Both do have bounds that your mind can contain, therefore your mind can change their sizes, their extension, zooming in and or zooming out now the one now the other.

Amen. Do now have chances of lots of great merry laughs in loving company or more sublimely all on your own.


A Deity is a God stripped away from its mythological identity, its social-historical context, which makes no sense to what God stands for.

I guess that if one searches for a deity in deepest mythology, one would encounter the One Spirit or Spirits. In the mythological-historical context, Gods are Spirits with a temple. All Spirits are part of the One Spirit, Great Spirit, Brahman, Holy Spirit, etc. However called, the universal model is clear. There is no place for anything which we could associate with "Deity".

If God is a symbol created by our collective unconscious which seeks self-awareness (...Universe seeks self-awareness - Oneness), how could a Deity be symbol of God when God is symbol itself?

Wouldn't that make Deity as something absurd coming from playful hyperbolas of logic; like a philosophical construct which comes much after everything which God stood for in the sociological-historical context where "God" exclusively belongs?


God is incomparable to Winter and Spring which are creatures. God is not a creature. A representation of him is. The representation is inferior. In this sense, a symbol is inferior. In another sense, there is no symbol of God, but God himself. In this case the symbol it not a creation either and God and the symbol are identical. (There are not two things there, just one.)

God is not an order or abstraction of a "thing". Things are creatures.

Angry Candy2011-07-14T19:35:31Z

A picture is merely an impression of a larger reality. As for the rest of your question, it makes no sense.


WHAT ??? English please !