In the spirit of Fierydog's last few fun questions...? 5 of your top picks for classical pieces that should never have been written, or that you could live your life without ever hearing again. (Fur Elise and Pachelbel's Canon do not count -- too easy).

Mine will surely arouse ire among the advocates:

1 Franck's Symphony in d minor
2 Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto in Bb
3. Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory"
4. Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu
5. Rachmaninoff's "Prelude in c# minor" op3 #2

Honorable (or dishonorable) mention:
Vaughan Williams' "The Lark Ascending"
Mendelssohn's "Andante and Rondo Capriccioso"
Phillip Glass -- anything
Brahms' "Academic Festival Overture"
Grieg;s Piano Concerto in a minor.

Okay, fire away -- I'll duck.


Wow -- there are some REALLY irreverent answers here. Especially "Clair da goddamn Lune" -- priceless.


There are too many good answers, so I am forced to let it go to voting when the time comes. In the meantime, post away, posters!


Favorite Answer

Rakhmaninov's 2nd piano concerto.
Ditto the 2nd symphony
Claire de goddamn Lune
Just about anything by Tubin
And yes, 'Wellington's Victory'.

(How dare you list Grieg! Heretic!)


Edit for Fierydog: Actually, I'm quite fond of Rach. 2. I only listed it because I knew it would enrage someone!


How dare anyone choose the Rach 2!?!?! or the C# minor Prelude! Rachmaninoff only had reason to hate the latter because its such an amazing composition and everyone wanted it as an encore =P The C# Minor is understandable, but really, she doesn't like the Rach 2????!!!

1. Islamey - Balakirev (UGHHH!!!!!)
2. Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement - Beethoven
3. Flight of the Bumblebee - Rimsky-Korsakov
4. Opus Clavicembalisticum - Sorabji (Ok I can actually say I have listened to the whole thing. It really does just suck!)
5. Prelude in C Major WTC Book #1 - Bach

Honorable Mentions:

Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
Alla Turca - Mozart
Rage over a Lost Penny - Beethoven
Morning - Grieg



I'M APPALLED Rach 3??? Personally, I think it's more beautiful than Rach 2... There's music underneath the pyrotechnics if you just listen =P
okay I understand Tchaikovsky...
And Islamey??? If the pianist plays it like a fantasy and not like a toccata, then it's a beautiful piece of music.

1. Eck, if I hear another Mendelssohn violin concerto i'll die...
2. I can't stand the theme from Prokofiev's 1st concerto... I don't know what it is, I can't stand it.
3. Yeah I've heard too many Grieg concertos....
5. Brahms Hungarian rhapsody no. 5. ugh. ugh. ugh.

Honorable mentions?
Chopin nocturne 9/2
Liszt Wilde Jagd
Yeah Shostakovich 2nd jazz waltz for sure
scene de ballet (curse you andre rieu)
more coming soon...


Maybe this is cheating, but I'm going to provide two different lists.

Pieces I wish that I had never heard and wish never to hear again:

1. Everything by Mahler
2. Everything by Bruckner
3. Everything by Shostakovich
4. Everything by Schoenberg except for "Verklarte Nacht"
5. Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana"

Pieces that are actually okay, but I hear too often:

1. Beethoven's Symphony No. 2
2. Handel's "Messiah"
3. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 (twenty-eight minutes of nothing surrounding the big
theme that became the song "Full Moon and Empty Arms")
4. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 (a technical tour de force for the pianist, containing
virtually no actual music)
5. Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"

Picardy Bird2011-07-18T04:51:16Z

Oh, jeez. You've opened a lovely can of worms.

1. Chopin Nocturne op. 9-2, for obvious reasons.
2. Bruch Violin Concerto 1. Not-so-special and severely overplayed.
3. If one more person comes to me with a Romberg Sonata, I will beat them with their cello.
4. Tchaik's 1812 Overture. Gah! It's so annoying!
5. Saint-Saens' The Swan. Blah.

There are other pieces, and they change every day. I am tired of constantly hearing Clair de Lune, but I don't necessarily hate it. That one Mozart rondo has a way of worming itself into my head at the times I'm least equipped to get rid of it. And how could I forget Mozart's Requiem? Or Eine Kleine Nachtmusik?

Sometimes I find myself quite sick of the Dance of the Seven Veils from R. Strauss's Salome, an annoyance borne from everyone at my school constantly bursting out into the theme.
||: ba ba ba DUNNAna! duuuuh-na! :||

Also, I would like to add that, while this is not classical, I am finding it hard to avoid the Yiruma zombies. The epidemic just hit my town, and everyone's catching it.

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