Painting of our Presidents, and our current situation, what are your thoughts?

The Painting is known as "The Forgotten Man" ” by Jon McNaughton

The author explains his painting.

I personally feel that it is a very powerful painting.

Mike N2011-07-18T14:44:14Z

Favorite Answer

We never need a painting or other "work of art" to point out to us the cesspool of trash the liberals / democrats have gotten us into in this country with their figurehead, whose name I can't stand, and whom I'll NEVER address as "Mr." or "President". Those titles are ones of respect, and that's one feeling I'll NEVER have for that man in the White House, or his wife, or the democrats who put him there. God Bless you.


OMG. It was heart wrenching . It is very powerful and to me speaks the truth of what is going on in this nation and in this world. The next one was just as powerful, the one about the Via Dolorosa