morbidly obese children could be taken from parents?

I heard there's a new bill being worked on that would allow morbidly obese children to be taken from their parents and placed in forster care. I think its a great idea, imo starving your child is just as bad as letting them get to that point. 2 opposite ends of the spectrum and both completely unhealthy and easily avoidable (unless of course they have some medical condition).

so what do you think?

parents have the right to raise their children the way they see fit?
its in the best interest of the child and ultimately could save lives?


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My opinion is that a diet and exercise plan should be given to the parents to do with their child, and give them some time to see if they follow through with it. If the parents refuse to help their child, then it is time to put them somewhere where they can get healthy again.


I'm sure this will be news to you, but Americans have a constitutional right to raise their children as they see fit. The bill is a horrible idea. As if every kid in foster care now is physically fit.
Weak people want the government to do everything for them. Why don't you offer to adopt an obese kid and be 100% responsible for the health, care and education of that kid? Still think it's a good idea?


Medical exams should be given first, time for parents to change their children eating habits, i don't think forster homes are the way to go? maybe mix of therapy and summer camps. I'm pretty sure most of the parents with overweight children aren't actually trying to make there children fat on purpose or as a form of punishment?


That is gross and NOT in the best interests of the child!! It is sensationalist political garbage and not a move to care for children!

How ignorant and naive do you have to be to believe that damaging the child's psychological development by forcing him/her from his/her's parents, family, friends and home; leaving them with mental wounds to deal with for the rest of their lives is justified for something as comparatively easily remedied as being over-weight.

Better education on eating right, better school lunches, and a shift in laws regarding the way food is marketed to children would have awesome impacts on childhood obesity issues. Frankly, that we allow companies to develop ads specifically to emotionally manipulate our vulnerable and still psychologically developing children is gross and repulsive.

Tearing families apart isn't going to improve any child's health. Go ask any "broken" family anywhere.


Yeah cuz if the parent refuse to see that their kid is lazy and over eats!! than something needs to be done, the kid or parent should not just say or think "oh well I'll just get surgery!" Some genetics cause kids to be overweight but I do not believe they would not me consider morbidly obese if they watched what they ate and was not lazy!!

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