Describe software and hardware used to support personal, workgroup, enterprise computing?

I need to write a 2-3 page paper. A brief description of these process's would be great.


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Using the software - M$ Office Suite and the hardware of Computers, Printers, and Servers such as a File Server, an E-mail Server and a Web Server.

In a small business Clients can connect to the business's website hosted on their Web Server fill out a form that gets e-mailed to the company. Then all those client names and information can be stored on an MS Office Acces Database. Then some one can acces a form letter created on MS Office and stored on the File Server, do a query of costumers in a certain category like a those with outstanding debts. They can Print a report of those clients for the finance department or using the form letter send an e-mail to those specific clients from the query to remind them of their bill.