why is it you women- in america- use us guys as a paycheck?

ya'll get knocked up by us, all the while BSing us into thinking you give a rat's *** about us then a year or 2 later you take leave? and then act as if we have no right to see the child. are you all that out of whack. BTW this is not my personal situation right now, but it was at one time. every woman is america is a friggin whack job, every one of you, there are no exceptions, don't even play like you're different cause you're not and we both know it, now don't we. and if you reply and tell me you're not that way, then guess what, it is most obvious that you are.


and it's more than just one and more than just me.

Mona Lisa2011-07-20T08:47:05Z

.... -_- why should a woman be any different than what you described?
If you already perceived her as a Psychotic gold digger
and if she says she's any different
that's proof she is one -_- really dude?....really?
I guess Men are just perfect huh? all women are the Nut jobs
We leave for Absolutely NO APPARENT reason
not for, constant cheating, verbal abuse, physical abuse,blatant disrespect or unhappiness

And sweetheart if you truly feel this way about ALL american women your ignorant
and just ought to go to another country or turn gay!!!!
But i can bet based on your ignorance no woman will want your Ignorant A$$

Y U NO LIKE ANIME2011-07-20T08:38:56Z

That's like me seeing a couple of emo's and saying 'why is every guy in america an emo!? God!'

Not all woman are like this


Dont get mad at every girl in america because of one.
You are wrong.


so why is it? because they can? because if you don't then all others will do and you will be left out? i don't know it's different here in europe