Christians what proof do you have that the Bible is the word of God ? and that Jesus Christ is God ?
What proof do you have that book is Gods word ? and that Jesus Christ is the son of God and God at the same time ?
What proof do you have that book is Gods word ? and that Jesus Christ is the son of God and God at the same time ?
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Taking the second question first...
There is little question that Jesus was a real, historical person. No credible historian would deny the evidence that He existed historically.
Jesus claimed to be God. It isn't just that the New Testament writers claimed that He was God, but that He personally made the claim, saying that He is the "I Am" (John 8:58, Exo. 3:14). As C.S. Lewis points out, this claim by Jesus to be God does not allow us to call Him a great teacher or a great man or, for that matter, Muslims to call Him a great prophet. His claim to be God leaves us with only three options concerning Him:
1) He is a liar. He knew that He was not God and claimed that He was God.
2) He is a lunatic. His lunacy might not be threatening to Himself or to others, it might have been minor or great, but if He believed that He was God and was not, then He was afflicted with lunacy.
3) He is Lord. If Jesus is God, then we must worship Him.
Jesus gave three proofs to His being God in the New Covenant. The first proof was the prophecies in the Old Testament, such as His being born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, coming out of Egypt and so forth. There are over 300 prophecies concerning Jesus in the Old Testament, including that He would be crucified. It is like God gave us an address for Messiah when He appeared on earth. And, I believe, from my study of the Gospel accounts and the Old Testament, that Jesus fulfills the prophecies of Messiah. The second proof that Jesus gave was the miracles He performed and the teaching that He did. If Jesus is God, then I have no problems with the concept that God can perform miracles. The third proof that Jesus gave is the empty tomb, that three days and nights following His crucifixion He would be raised from the dead (the sign of Jonah). The tomb is empty.
Because the tomb is empty, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
To the first question...
I believe the Bible is God's Word because I believe in Jesus. I believe that God wanted to communicate to us. Jesus' Deity confirms the validity of the Bible.
Moreover, the Bible is unique among ancient texts in the sheer number of texts that we have and the closeness of the texts to the autographs. We have parts of the New Covenant writings from the early second century, both as copies of the books (e.g. John) and in the writings of the church fathers. We have more than enough copies of the New Testament books that textual critics know where the scribal errors are and when they arose in the text since the books were hand copied. Whereas we have less than a dozen copies of Julius Caesar's history of the Gaulic wars, we have thousands of copies of the different New Testament manuscripts.
As for the Old Testament, before 1945, the oldest Old Testament in existence was dated from about 1000 AD. This is due to the Jewish tradition of destroying old Torahs once they had become worn. However, in 1947, the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered, giving us copies of the Old Testament books that were a thousand years younger than our most recent copies. Textual critics went to work comparing the most 10th AD scrolls with the first century scrolls. And, other than some minor changes in spelling and grammar, they found the 10th AD scrolls were largely identical to the first-century scrolls. There were zero major differences.
I have confidence that the Bible I have today is the Bible which God gave to mankind.
The most beautiful one is John 1:1-5.
Hebrews Chapter 1.
John 8:58.
Isaiah 7:14/Matthew 1:22.
Isaiah 9:6.
Rev. 1:17-18.
Rev. 2:8
John 5:46.
Mark 2:5-7.
John 14:9.
John 20:28.
Col. 1: 15-17.
Col. 2:9.
Matthew 28:17.
Philippians 2:5-11.
Titus 2:13-14.
John 8:56-59.
Just to mention just a few.
And a commentary:
In Revelation 1:7-8, the Lord God (Jehovah) states He is the Alpha and Omega. Yet in that same verse the speaker, God (Jehovah), says He was pierced. Who was it that was actually pierced? Jesus. In Revelation 22:12-20 it is Jesus who claims He is the Alpha and Omega. In Isaiah 48:12 and 44:6 God, Jehovah says He is the first and the last. Yet again in Revelation 2:8, Jesus says He is the first and the last. Finally, Both God, Jehovah, and Jesus are described as "coming soon".
Again, remember, Jesus is God ONLY as the second Person of the Trinity (God the Son) who always existed. In time, He assumed human flesh. Jesus is God as a Son coequal to His Father in Almighty.
The Bible is considered the Divine Inspired word of God to the extent it fulfills all the prophesies concerning Jesus who is considered the living word of scripture since it is really all about Jesus.
Some prophecy's fulfilled by Jesus are fulfilled by Micah 5:2, which revealed where he would be born...Isaiah 53 detailed his suffering, work at the cross and Resurrectionon. Psalms 22 is striking prophecy of the Crucifixion.
Remember, the Prophecy's were fulfilled many centuries after the completion of the Bible. ...This example is helping you understand that the Bible is the word of God. That the Bible is not a fallacy.
You ask about ....Jesus Christ is God. First we had to show that the Bible is God's word, So now that we know that the BIble is who God is...then you go by the verses in the Bible. How many times in the Bible did Jesus refer to himself as ...I am.... 23 times....Now...Revelations's an example of God calling himself..I am..... I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
Truth in fulfilled and fulfilling prophesy. And Jesus Christ is not God, they are two separate spirit persons. God created Jesus Christ in the beginning as a spirit person, his only begotten Son, before sending him to earth to be born as a perfect human equal to Adam before Adam sinned against God.
in the bible it said that the sun will become black with hair and the moon will b a third of what it is now,when a black hole is infront of a star it looks black with hair,as the sun is a star its proof that there is truth in the buble because at the time when it was written they did not have the technology to know how it could happen,if a black hole is in between the earth and the sun,it would probably b near the earth and be devouring the moon,thats why the moon will only be a third and the earth will strech and become very hot. :] hope thats enough proof (sorry for bad grammer and spelling)