Energy Star Ceiling Fans with lights Avoid them or by all means get one? 1 or 2?

I am in the market for a ceiling fan (with light)
Some of the Ceiling fan's are listed as "Energy Star Compliant"
As far as the light is concerned, it's not much of an issue, Most people are using CFL's
but what about the fan itself?
Do the Energy Star Fans really save that much vs a new fan that is not marked Energy Star Compliant?
Do the Energy Star Fans move less air due to a weaker motor or blade design?
I am wanting to save money, but I'd also like to keep cool do they really save that much?
What's Your Verdict on Energy Star Ceiling Fans?
1. Avoid them they are not worth it they don't save that much, or move that much air. or
2. Definitely get one, They will save you money, and they will cool just as much as others.


Favorite Answer

Definitely get one. Energy star ceiling fans are over 50% more efficient than conventional fans.

They save money (not too much) because they use more efficient motor & better designed blades.

They move pretty much the same amount of air as a conventional fan' just with less energy.

They can save you lots of money on electricity when used instead or combined with A/C.


The fan automobiles are the comparable its the lighting fixtures they're bearing on. Ceiling followers contain different lighting fixtures performance. So once you go with an power powerful ceiling fan its the sunshine it somewhat is power powerful no longer the fan motor.