Chest congestion and cough in 4 month old?

So when my son was about 6 weeks he started with a cough and some chest congestion. After about a week my daughter who is 2 started I brought them both to the doctor and she said a cold. Well after 2 days my daughter was better but my son was not so the next week I went back in and saw the physician assitant and she said it was caused by his reflux and to make sure he got it in the morning and keep him up right for 20 minutes after each feeding. Did not help the next week we had our 2 month well child and the doctor (another one) said it could be either a cold or reflux and should clear up. At 3 months it was still going on went in and saw the first doctor we saw and she said it was most likely reflux and should get better with solids. Now the cough is always there but sometime it is worse then others and he has coughing fits that wake him at night. It does not matter if he is upright or flat on his back. He is almost 4 month and it has been 4 weeks since we went in and we go in just over a week for 4 month well child. I just feel that something else is wrong and I want him to be better. Everyone is always like "What is up with his breathing" He is so raspy and feel like he needs to cough something out. He is on prevacid for his reflux and it help keep him from spitting up so I do not know if he needs to spit it up. It started after he was on the prevacid for a couple weeks. Anyone else have this issue? The last dr also said he may have asthma but we have never heard him wheeze so she said she wanted to wait on that.


We do not smoke and I do not really know anyone that does and no one we are around on a regular basis. He does not really run a fever his temp is naturally high so it is usually 99 something. They say the congestion is not in his lungs but in his throat. They say it is like a little bit of spit up that is not coming out but just getting stuck there. I just would think it would be getting better soon. He had a coughing fit last night that lasted an hour. Sometimes it is after he eats sometimes it is not. He is always raspy.


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One of our twins was like this he always sounded like he was breathing underwater and he would cough alot and he actually had a few blue spells from it but still sound like he had something rolling in there you could feel it in his chest when he breathed....Im not gonna go over everything but after multiple tests and what not it turned out he had a lazy swallow so it was coming back up still but wasnt being "spit" up and causing him discomfort as well as the watery raspy sound....So he had like an internal reflux and the meds never helped it other than to stop the vomiting he just outgrew it eventually and didnt sound like that anymore.

Does he seem worse after he has a feeding? I would tell them the issue is persisting and you want it looked at more indepth cause his meds dont seem to help since he been sick so long and find out if they can do a feeding study and also check his throat out to make sure its not malformed...I hate doctors who just say oh must be reflux and throw a script at you! It could be any number of things and they assume its reflux....I hope you can get things figured out sometimes we really have to get pushy with the doctors to make them listen though. Good Luck!




I would have gone already, is the temperature rectally or auxiliary? That can make a difference. They say at six months not to rush to a doctor unless the temp is 103. However a temperature over 101 that is not breaking with tylenol motrin or any thing else at home must be checked immediately. However with the congestion and cough he is not just fighting off something he definitely has a virus and I would have gone already. I know you were doing what you thought was best and I am in no way being rude or mean but for these safety of your child I would go to the ER as soon as possible.


docs now don't like children under 1 to take sounds like it could be sinus drainage going down the back of the babies throat and stimulating the cough reflex..Is she/he around animals,smokers,do you have carpet or other animals in the home.The best thing I have used is an air purifier.Prevacid would not have anything to do with the lungs.It is just for the gastric reflux..does he have a temp? have you tried to lay him on his belly over ur knees,cup ur hands and gently pat his left and right back and then turn him on his side and repeat on the front upper lobes of his lungs.This is called chest PT and it is effective in breaking up any congestion in the chest..don't do it right after he eats.hope this helps.