why does my dog try and dig into the carpet like he is outside?

sometimes he will randomly start digging into the carpet, or bed, or couch, or blankets, or pillows, ect. like he is trying to dig a hole. why?


Favorite Answer

my dog used to do this too, she was just making a bed for herself!


does he lay down in that area after? he is making it more comfortable for him to lay on. our dogs do that all the time, especially the chihuahuas. they dig on the couch and pull and dig on blankets and pillows to move them around until they are just right and then they sleep there.

Iris Loves Her Scent Hounds2011-07-24T21:15:19Z

That is often a sign of anxiety. My dog does that when we are in the car. I would talk to your vet about it.


Maybe he smells something under the carpet and is trying to reach it.


because its a dog...

and doesnt have tangeable ideas about what a floor or bed is...