if God created everything immortal, how can you call Him a killer?
think about it
think about it
Chris Ancor
Favorite Answer
I just did think about it. If 'it' existed 'it' would be called "The Noah's flood killer."
If God created everything immortal and then decided to kill everything instead, how could you not call "Him" a killer? Humans and animals didn't invent death. Nature promotes death, and if nature is a product of God, which I don't think it is, then God is the creator of death and is responsible for all pain and death in existence, since pain and death are part of existence.
Maurog IV
Are you talking about jellyfish, because they're the only immortal organisms I know.
Also, if God created everything immortal, how could you call ANYONE a killer?
In the Bible stories, God is not just a killer but a genocidal maniac.
If there was a creator then why create life just to make 99.9% of his creations go extinct?