What did I see in the sky?

Well This happened a few years back and I've always wondered what it was. It was night time and I heard this very loud jet like sound going over my house. I looked out and seen far away (but very very loud) what looked like how a jet leaves white cloud behind it but this thing was leaving a very thick black trail behind it and was going very fast and I watched it (and taped it) until I couldn't see it anymore, it was headed towards the moon (I kid you not). Any serious answers would be nice, my friend said it looked very odd (after viewing the tape) my camera is broken now it like turns on and goes blue? So i dont have any proof anymore but I just want to know if there is any reasonable explanation?


Favorite Answer

A jet fighter with the afterburner turned on. They are very, very loud, especially in supersonic speeds(but turning on the afterburner does not instantly mean that you want and will go supersonic, they do it usually during a takeoff and when turning, to accelerate faster) and they leave a black smoke trail behind.


Well, first thing's first.. Its quiet strange that u were able to see black smoke from the jet like thing that too in the dark night sky..(unless there were clouds which still doesn't support the facts..). Well, if u know what u saw and you're cam got it, it could've been some regular army jet.. But if it was really far away but the noise was too loud, it could have been something extra terristial... and no one knows until you have proof... If it was extra terrestial they could've gone back to the native to inform them of life here and proably bring reinforcements


You wouldn't believe the technology that exists today. A). It was a projection made by people with a very loud speaker. B). Government. C). Aliens. I'm impartial to this until I see the footage, but your guess is as good as mine.