Why should I get a Deviant Art account?
People are saying I shoud, but I don't see the benefit.
People are saying I shoud, but I don't see the benefit.
Favorite Answer
really it is just for fun
i like it because my friend who moved away and i can show each other our art like we used to
It's a great way to expand on your own drawing methods,gain artistic critiques(if your serious in following an art path) It will give you great insight on what the public thinks about your work without being too harsh (since they're artist too). You can also put your name out there and maybe make a profit. I just really enjoy gaining a more diverse idea of how far I can take my artwork, they also help me improve my style (tutorials/references)
I agree with all! Its alot of fun and i keep in touch with friends more than facebook, not to mention make new ones! :D
Its fun even if your not good at art, but if you are, the better :D