Can I pay tomorrow for a cool day today?

Metallica Rules the World ♥'s Iggy!2011-07-26T05:54:53Z

Favorite Answer

Nope!! Pay up sucka


My day is going well. Despite my lack of sleep, I got up and went to work. I'm 28 now. 8 years ago on September 11th, 2001 I was 20. I was in my junior year of college in biology class when I heard about what happened. I was so upset. I stopped at that moment and prayed for the souls of everyone who was hurt and their families. I think that we all should do the same thing tomorrow. We should take a moment of silence and pray for the souls of the deceased and their families.

Gary the Sneagle2011-07-26T05:13:55Z

You can pay yesterday for a mediocre day in 10 days.


No but you can pay tomorrow for a hamburger today.