IT guys/gals I need your help?

Analyze the use of databases in your organization and address the following. Databases used,offer improvements.
Im attending an online school and need questions answered in the field im studying.


I am in a learning environment, so I have no knowledge. The class im taking is CIS/207, im not even in the 400's yet. So to answer your uneducated response to my question with a question, which violates the yahoo polices because its not an answer, I will be more knowledgeable once I graduate having answered these questions. Trolling and flaming us who genuinely need an answer is going to cause me to flag your response. Hopefully you have violated their policies enough that this gets your account deactivated. You may want to reconsider this post. Also, no one is doing my work, I just need info about a database, so I can write my paper.


Favorite Answer

Sure... I got nothing else to do but spend a month fulfilling your needs. Would you like me to wash your car too?

W Y2011-07-26T18:04:53Z

Just out of curiosity, when you graduate and get a job, how will you respond when your employer has a similar problem? When your employers want to know how to improve their database, will you tell them to go to Yahoo Answers instead of asking you?