Does a guys body matter to women?

Just wanna know cuhz i saw a simliar question to this and i got a nice *** body :) im 15 lol

infinity on high2011-07-27T03:04:37Z

Favorite Answer

Nice job chris I've seen you your a whale mate!
Whatcha talking bout girls like personality more baby.
I'll give you a better answer.
They care about grooming I think if any guy dressed up well and had good style showered daily even worked out they could all become atleast a 7.5 so what girls are trying to say is if you don't look after yourself don't expect them to want to be with you. Unless if you have tried your best you can always rely on humor trust me!


Don't give in to that "women care for what's on the inside more than a man" saying, because that really wouldn't explain why some girls like boys who treat them like crap.

Science says women *can* be just as shallow as men are. So yes, a guy's looks do matter.

laxmi kumar n2011-07-27T10:09:12Z



It sort of matters, Women have different tastes for what they want in a potential guy ,i think a girl would prefer a rather fit body my case thats what i want :)


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