is the EF-S 18-55mm kit lens compatible with Canon 1000D?

is the EF-S kit lens compatible and works well with Canon 1000D because stores usually sell it as package with 18-55mm ISM (image stabilizer) kit lens?


so what will be the difference between using an EFS and using an ISM lens?


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it would be stupid of them to include a lens that doesn't fit, now wouldn't it?

your canon 1000D can use all EF and EF-S lenses with full functionality

EF-S lenses are just cheaper to make, and they sit farther in the mount than EF lenses. On Full Frame cameras, such as the Canon 5D series and up, you must use EF lenses and EF lenses only, otherwise you will break the camera.

I believe you mean USM, not ISM, USM is simply the autofocus motor that canon uses in those lenses


Of course it does. Why else would they make it the kit lens?
Your camera (along with the rest of the Rebel series, 20D-60D, and 7D) will work with any EF and EF-S lens.

There's no such thing as an ISM lens.. I think you mean a USM lens. It stands for "ultrasonic motor" and basically what it does is it makes auto-focusing quicker, quieter (or even silent, in some cases), and more accurate.
Comparing EF-S and USM lenses is like apples to oranges though..


Yes ...........