why would yahoo answers allow self Voting?

one of the Questions i answered was left for voting (the one who asked didnt choose best answer)
so i tried to vote for myself to test it and i was allowed to do that
isnt it little strange that yahoo answers allow me to do that thing ?
to vote your own answer ?????


Favorite Answer

It's perfectly fine to vote for your own answers. If you feel another answer is clearly better than yours then you should vote for it or abstain from voting, but that is a moral choice and not a requirement.

First of all if you are even able to vote that means the Asker couldn't be bothered to choose a Best Answer. So often questions remain unresolved forever until somebody votes; so Yahoo allows voting for your own answers to help keep so many questions from being unresolved.

Secondly it's not cheating even though some people seem to think it is. If it wasn't allowed you would not have the capability to. Obviously though you can't use multiple accounts to vote; that IS cheating.

If anybody else votes for their own answer, which happens a lot, then you will still have a tie to be decided by a third party.

And if nobody else votes and you feel your answer is the best, and you cared enough to vote, then I say you deserve BA.


No, it's just like the president can vote for themselves if they're running. Because of the fact that so many people abandoned their questions here, there would be a ton more unresolved questions in vote If you were't allowed to vote your own answer.

Yes, let's get to the root of the problem here, how about make some sort of penalty for people who let their questions go to vote?

Adullah M2014-03-21T07:55:58Z

Even you vote for yourself ,in case you can remember your own answer ,because your account is not shown .Then your answer did not get 100 % vote all the time but mostly divided equally from 2 % upto 50%, so Yahoo Manager have to come in for the selection of the best answer .
So it is not correct at all to say that, you can have the sole authority to select the best answer for that certain question entirely.
So it is the duty of Yahoo Answers manager to elaborate on how you select the best answers for those questions that get the percentage voted equally ,especially last than 50% each.

Richard K2011-08-01T00:20:10Z

It isn't cheating everyone including the president of the U. S., the Prime Minster of Canada etc. etc.votes for themselves. It would of course be bad form to vote for yourself if your answer was not the best one.


u just found out u can vote for yourself
do you know that you can send links to your contacts with your answer ,to get them to vote for you? and its not agaisnt the rules ither. even yahoo answer staff knows this.

if they didnt allow it, they woudlnt have the button to do it.


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