Breastfeeding while pregnant?

My first son is 6 months and 3 weeks old, and I have been breastfeeding him exclusively until about a month ago when we started him on solids. I had planned to breastfeed him for at least a year, or until he started talking, but I just found out that despite having the Paragaurd IUD I am pregnant again, about 8 weeks along. Is it okay to breastfeed through my entire pregnancy? My son will be about 14 months old when the new baby is born. Should I stop at 12 months or just keep going until the new baby is born? Will my supply for the new baby be affected at all? I'm also worried about weaning a 14 month old from the breast while adjusting to a new baby. Obviously this pregnancy wasn't planned but there is a baby coming regardless of our plans, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I absolutely do not want to tandem breastfeed.


Favorite Answer

You can certainly breastfeed through a pregnancy, and you can tandem breastfeed after the new one is born, if you would like.

Just a warning though, some women have a drop in milk supply during the 2nd trimester. Just keep an eye on his wet diapers to make sure he stays hydrated.

Here is a link that will give you a more complete answer.


You are going to have to take this as it comes. Your baby will have a lot of input into the decision. It is safe for most women to breastfeed during pregnancy, so you needn't worry about that. But at about 16-20 weeks, it is most likely that he breastmilk will revert to colostrum as your body gets ready for the new baby. It is possible that there will not be enough for your current baby, or he may not like the different taste. believe me, he will let you know.

Once the baby is born and the milk comes in, if your child is still nursing, he may be delighted. At this point, it is perfectly fine o continue to breastfeed both babies for as long as you like. Some women feed the new baby first, then the older one, and some assign each baby a breast. As long as the new baby is gaining well, there is nothing to worry about.

You can find support for nursing during pregnancy and tandem nursing through La Leche League, which may have meetings held near you.. You can find more information on the La Leche League website or


Wow you're able to desire to by no potential have confidence previous different halves thoughts. it somewhat is available to get pregnant no count once you have unprotected intercourse. often, you're much less fertile, yet no longer infertile, together as breastfeeding. whether you will possibly no longer menstruate for months after giving start, your physique often releases its first postpartum egg before you get your first era. so which you will no longer understand you have ovulated until 2 weeks later — once you menstruate. in case you recognize you do no longer decide to get pregnant together as nursing, start up making use of start administration as quickly as you start up having intercourse returned. Many docs propose barrier strategies consisting of condoms or a diaphragm, yet some think of the greater moderen low-dose oral contraceptives are risk-free to apply together as breastfeeding and pose no injury on your little one. Ask your wellness care provider relating to the "mini-pill," which does no longer incorporate estrogen, a hormone that could intrude with lactation, in straightforward terms progestin. That suggested, in case you're breastfeeding your little one solely, day and night, you will possibly no longer menstruate returned for as much as a year after giving start. in the adventure that your little one sleeps by using the night at an early age, your era in all probability will return greater rapidly — frequently in 3 to eight months. the comparable is authentic in case you're supplementing with formula. In different words, the greater often your little one nurses, the longer it somewhat is before you get your era returned. experts have confidence it somewhat is simply by fact breastfeeding curbs the hormones that set off ovulation. yet bear in mind, you need to start ovulating returned at any time after 3 months of lactation, and you in all probability won't understand while it happens. in case you have the choose to establish you are not getting pregnant, use some form of start administration every time you have intercourse.


Definitely wean him before the new baby arrives, you don't want to be breast feeding an infant and a toddler at the same time, that would be rough! Not to mention, the older baby might be jealous of the new baby getting more feeding times.


you should be fine but if too worried consult your doctor