Sleep pattern problems; what should I do?
I'm a night owl, but to the extreme. Typically, I go to bed between 2-4am and wake up sometime in the afternoon. As I've figured out, during the day, I'm usually sleepy and I have no energy, but at night and into the hours of the early morning, I'm extremely awake and energetic. I've tried (and failed) multiple times to reset my sleep schedule to what I need it to be for school (going to bed between 10-11pm and waking up at 6am), but it just doesn't work. I wake up early and feel like crap the entire day, and then I STILL can't sleep at night. Even during the school year, I typically sleep very little at night, wake up early, go to school, and come home and sleep for 3-4 hours, only to go to bed late that night and have the cycle repeat. This is just not good for normal life, where everything works during the day, not at night.
This all started when I was around 14 (I'm 16 now) and has progressed to where it is today. I don't know if it is just a phase, as it could be genetics. My mom has the exact same problems, and so do my grandparents, but to a lesser extent.
So, the big question is, what should I do?
Should I try to reset my sleeping patterns again? Should I just suck it up and walk around all day like a zombie? Should I go to the doctor and discuss my issues there?
Thanks in advance to anyone with an answer!
Caffeine is definitely not a problem. I don't drink anything with caffeine.