Do you think Gay Byrne will run for president of Ireland?

If he does, do you think he'll win?
Do you care?
Also, for the purpose of this survey, please state if you are over or under 25.

Thank You in advance.


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I don't think he will. If he does, I will vote for him. I'm 35.

People forget that our President is just a figurehead - someone to represent Ireland in a positive light to the world. They have no political power.

Gay would represent Ireland well, other countries would warm to him. He is intelligent, polite, friendly, has a sense of humour, he's not some un-known/barely known politician with the personality of an accountant.

He is a bit old at 77, but he's been around - I'd sooner vote for someone a bit too old than someone a bit too young, to be honest because you can't put a price on life experience, whatever life you lead.

I think he would represent us very well.

So what if his background is the entertainment industry, our President doesn't represent much more than that.

Ronald Regan was an actor lol


I think he might.. Alone he would stand a good chance, but if he gets the fianna fail tarnish on him would hinder him I think.

I think Michael D will still win, although the race between him Gaybo and Gay mitchell will be tight enough..

It would have been amusing if it were Gay Byrne, Gay Mitchell, and David Norris running. The 3 gays running,plenty of puns for the papers :)

Dana won't get anywhere. She'll get that vote of the reactionary right in the country, but beyond that she's out of touch with the majority of Irish people.

II think with the tabloids and right wing press in the country hounding norris out of the race, I think it will just strengthen Micheal D's run, as the progressive vote would have been split a bit between the two of them.

Over 25,but not by much

R - G2011-08-09T23:46:21Z

I'd like to vote for someone with no background in corrupt politics, who will do it for an average salary, has no favourite party or axe to grind, and who is down to earth. Gay Byrne might fit into that category.

The fact someone wants to hold political office almost invariably means they are the wrong person for the job and should be disqualified. The president's job should be like jury service, the summons you don't want to get.

Oh, and did you hear the FF ex-TDs complaining they can't get meaningful work. My heart cries for them. Maybe they'd have less trouble finding jobs now if they hadn't destroyed so many when they were in office.

Edit: over 25,but not as old as GB.

Orla C2011-08-09T16:20:07Z

Why would he? He's not qualified.

I care that David Norris was the victim of a very nasty homophobic smear campaign, but I bear no ill-will whatsoever to Gay Byrne - if he decides to run for President, I wish him the best of luck.

I'm over 25.


No, we need someone at least twenty five years younger

from another angle, if Gay Byrne has anything to do with Fianna Fáil he will never be president of Ireland, FF have destroyed this grate Country

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