Brian Moser (Season 1) Lila Tourney (Season 2) Miguel Prado (Season 3) Arthur Mitchell (Season 4) Jordan Chase (Season 5)
Seriously Miguel? I don't even consider him as a proper villain.. An unworthy adversary to Dexter..
Favorite Answer
Season 1...the whole story was perfect...
Favorite villian is miguel, that actor played that part beautifully.
Edit** Yea he may not have been nearly as professional as Dexter when it came to killing and being secretive but he definitely got in Dexters head, he was very convincing.
Season 1 is by far the best season of Dexter! it was amazing the way they constructed the story. I just loved it. My jaw NEVER hit the floor that hard before. The twist was insane. I wasnt that surprised when I found out it was rudy but when I realized he was really brian and Dexter's brother I went crazy! My jaw hit the floor in disbelief and I NEVER felt tht way with watching anything before. I can watch season 1 over and over again. Its just amazing. Brian Moser completely constructed the entire story of dexter because if he didnt realize his past then he wouldnt be the same dexter he is now. No single season could ever beat season 1. Then season 2 was my next favorite, after that season 4 then season 5 and then season 3. Season 3 was horrible. They can make 10 more seasons of dexter and nothing could ever beat season one it was to amazing!