Low Amniotic fluid, not leaking, where does it go?

My friend is almost due, she is highrisk, went in the other day to be induced, it wasn't working, so they sent her home,she had a stress test today, and it showed her amniotic fluid was down to 7...she swears she is not leaking it, and we know the baby recycles some of it....but seriously, where does the rest go!? We have been googling it, her doctor office sucks, so no way can she call up there and get an answer in a decent amount of time. I guess this means she will be going into labor soon? Is it a sign of dilating? We are really bummed the induction didn't work (gel and the square tampon like thing) they were going to try again at the hospital this weekend, so hoping this is a sign, we just really want to know where fluid goes if it's not leaking <3

Dalton & Kaiah's Mommy2011-08-11T12:55:42Z

It depends on why it's low. If the problem is with the mom it may be absorbed back into the mom or she is dehydrated and not drinking enough. If it is due to the baby it could signify a problem with the placenta, or the baby's organs. Sometimes it's low for no reason and the baby and mom are both healthy.