Teens, do you ask your parents for money?

Lets say your going somewhere, or you have no money cause your broke..

I don't like asking my parents for money.

So what do you guys think? do you ask your parents for money?


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It depends. If i am going to the movies, they usually gove me the money, since I don't go that often.
If i get something I want(for example, harry potter stuff)I pay for it, because t is expensive and something I want
If it is like a magnet or something, or clothes, then I ask for them to pay for it, or if we can go half and half.


I just ask my parents for a reasonable amount of money (30, 40 bucks). I don't want to sound spoiled though. They give it to me as long as my grades are good. They said I don't need to get a job cause I'm taking AP classes and eventually I'll have 7 AP classes Junior and Senior year and I'm saving money for college, so technically I have a "job" as long as I keep good grades up.


I always ask my parents for money


Only on my birthday because then my mom gives it to me no matter what. My dad pays for some stuff because I don't live with my parents. I live across the street in their rental house.

The Liberal Mutt2011-08-16T10:10:00Z

No.. I don't really like asking people for money. I like doing things myself.

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