Selling feather headbands?

I am going to be selling some of my feather headbands that I make on
I need to come up with a shop name.
Any ideas? Something with feathers in the same, and maybe rhyming..


easy points!


Favorite Answer

falling feather
fancy feathers
idk sorry

THIS IS HOW I ROLL2011-08-17T16:52:55Z

Heather's Feathers or All About Feathers or Feathers Forever

something like that might work :)


Feather Heads
Fashion Feathers

Those are the only two I could think of, sorry :) I tried!! I hope this helps, good luck!!

arun gautam2011-08-17T16:54:00Z

Why would somebody wants to buy your dirty stinky headbands. you are awkward throw them in rubbish bin