Apple Powerbook g4 Laptop?

I'm considering buying a used apple powerbook for around $200. Is this a good price?
Also, would this laptop be good for school? Also, I think it has Tiger on it, correct?
If I got the newer software, would I be able to update it?
Thank you!


Favorite Answer

Um...seeing as how the Powerbook G4 spans over five years and ranges from 400mhz to 1.67ghz, how the hell should we know if it's a good deal? How could we possibly know what OS it's running? It could be Mac OS 9.2.2 or it could be Mac OS 10.5.8. Powerbooks don't magically come secondhand with a specific OS. DETAILS. Use them. Otherwise your question is useless.

As for software, you can only run up to Mac OS 10.5.8 on a Powerbook G4. Anything that requires an Intel CPU will not run, which is most new software these days.