I had a root canal last week and the dentist wants to put a crown on the tooth. My teeth are super-sensitive to drilling. I had a cavity filled today and I had to stop the dentist 3 times to get extra shots of Novocaine..and that still did not stop the pain/sensitivity of the drilling. So, will the dentist have to drill my tooth in any way to put the crown on?
Dr Akhil2011-08-18T22:24:08Z
Favorite Answer
root canal treated tooth doesnot have any sensitivity and its not drilled at all,its trimmed from outside and there will be no pain as the tooth is already dead. live teeth feel sensitive when they are drilled.
The tooth is reduced in size from all the aspects during tooth preparation so that the crown can fit in. Don't worry. there will be no sensitivity as the tooth is root canal treated in which the pulp which is responsible for sensation is removed. For more info on procedure for dental crown placement, you can refer to the following article...http://www.identalhub.com/article_procedure-for-crown-placement-270.aspx
Crowns are not painful. I never felt a thing when getting crowns. Dont get veneers until you treat the underlying problem with your teeth. Do you drink a lot of soda? There is so much sugar in soda, and it just eats away at your teeth.
When i had mine dond on tuesday my dentist shaved my tooth dowN with that spinny thing...if your worried about pain ask for shots.the tooth is dead ,the nerves are out so the only pain you should feel(which isnt much)is when they press the crown down into yours gums...atleast with me thats how it was