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No. Hens (for example) lay eggs all of the time. Not all of these eggs contain chicken embryos in them. Only a hen that has been "mounted" by a rooster can produce baby chickens from her eggs.
The eggs we buy at the store contain no embryo, so if they were not consumed, they would rot and not produce a baby chick. The eggs are not fertilized.
So no, unless the egg has been taken from a hen and it contains an embryo/baby chicken, they are not alive.
Nope that helps!
No not at all, there's no feather, beak, or claws to worry about. Besides eggs have a lot of nutritional value, such as protein, biotin, vitamin K, vitamin B, and minerals.
No they were never alive. We only eat unfertilised eggs - never fertilised ones.
No Chance Without Bernoulli
The eggs you buy at the store are not fertilized.
No. They're not alive..