If an attorney in private practice passes away, what happens to all of his records?

He had no parteners for the last 20 or so years. What would happen to his files, records etc...even the realy old ones possibly in storage?


I dont know the particulars of his practice. I really just wanted to know in general if anyone here might know how long records are kept or if they'd be destroyed. He handled my adopted in 1969. As I am beginning my search, someone sd go to the attorney that handled it. He was a dear family friend. He passed about 18 mos ago so I didnt know what help, if any, it would be. OH and Im in Texas


Favorite Answer

This is a good question. That is very rare on Yahoo. I think I will contact a few attorneys I know and ask them.


divot II2011-08-23T14:57:54Z

Did the lawyer have an agreement with another lawyer to wind up his practice? What is in the agreement? You don't say. Files: Different states can have different guidelines, but attorneys don't have to store all files forever. After say, seven years closed files can be destroyed. Active files should be returned to the clients and unused funds refunded by whomever is winding up the practice--perhaps another attorney appointed by the State Bar.