What is considered "part time plus" hours?

I know full time hours are usually 40 hours per week, and part time is usually around 20 or 24 hours a week. But how many hours consitutes part time plus?


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A typical full-time workweek in the United States is 40 hours (though actual hours range from 35 to 44). Full-time employees are eligible for medical and other benefits offered by their company. Part-time workers, on the other hand, are those who work at least one hour and no more than 34 hours per week. In most cases they do not qualify for benefits in the United States.

Roughly 20 million women and 13 million men age 16 and older worked part-time in the United States in 2008.

People choose to work part-time hours for a variety of reasons: to keep busy, to put themselves through school, to supplement their household income or to gain valuable work experience.

Part-time jobs can be found in nearly all industries, though the largest number of part-time U.S. employees in 2008 worked in the following fields: retail, health and education, and leisure and hospitality.

Employees who work part-time often have greater flexibility in balancing work and home life---including many who alternate shifts with a spouse so they don't have to pay for childcare. Part-time jobs can develop into full-time opportunities for those looking to advance their careers, and employers have more choices when it comes to meeting their changing demands for labor.

Lack of benefits and lower wages are two main drawbacks of working part time. Workers may also have fewer opportunities for promotion or feel pressured to complete full-time tasks on a part-time schedule.

Read more: What Are Part Time Hours? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5041011_part-time-hours.html#ixzz1VyQmd31S


Time Plus Hours


They're probably saying the work would usually be part time, but with extra hours sometimes.


between 35 and 40 hours per week.