the Mormon Garments (female)?

whenever I'm shopping with my girlfriend and we are near Victoria's Secret or a department like that she will comment that she doesn't have to buy that stuff... Now i have seen the mormon garments... and as a female I would wear a bra/panties under the garment...and just assumed bras/panties were worn under... because they remind me of the under garments my grandmother wore.. granny would be 112... Is this common practice not too.. is my question..


I understand why she wears the garments... as per the religion... but she seems to like to make a point of telling me this all the time when shopping...


Favorite Answer

LDS temple garment is worn first, next to skin. Other items can be worn over the top. During periods of married couple intimacy, the other items, ie VS, can be worn alone if desired....


Hmmm. I don't usually discuss my knickers with anyone unless it's the lady at the distribution center helping me get the size right (which is the only big challenge I have ever had with garments--I fail frequently at this.) And yes, you can where whatever bra you want with your garments. Panties are optional--but layers are pretty impractical.

And guess what Smitty, a person''s underwear shouldn't really have much to do with their sex life. At least I would hope not. Especially considering most people simply wear their birthday suits when they are being intimate with their sweetie.


Maybe she just thinks the same thing every time she sees the store, and maybe she says whatever she thinks. I don't know. I doubt she means anything by it.

And no, bras are worn over the garment, which is supposed to be against the skin. Most Mormon women don't wear regular panties unless it's that time of the month.

They're not that big a deal, though. It's no different than wearing an undershirt and something very like a pair of men's boxers. It's not like they reach our ankles or anything.

Something peculiar...2011-08-25T13:33:25Z

As a woman and a Mormon I'd be rather embarrassed talking about my garments in such a manner. I don't know how other Mormon women feel, but I consider my underwear a matter of deepest reverence and not too much of a topic of conversation. I really don't care what my Non-Member female friends wear and frankly neither should your friend to make such a distinction between herself and you.

Consequently a bra is worn over and panties are generally worn under during that time of a lady's monthly.

Penny Lane2011-08-26T07:36:47Z

Bras go over. Garments are worn next to your skin.

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