In the US, what caliber weapon has the highest number of murders?

I have heard the "AK" and many others. When you throw in combat casualties during war, the 7.62x39 does rate highly. But in civilian based homicides it almost doesn't register at all (except in th movies). so which caliber gun really has been used in the most homicides in the US.

Alison M2011-08-24T23:26:42Z

Favorite Answer

if you are counting war, then yes, it is probably 7.62, but if you want a statistic more reflective of domestic statistics, it's 9mm.

Mayhem X-Ray2011-08-25T06:35:32Z

.22lr has likely caused the most deaths, due to kids playing with them, suicides, and the massive numbers of .22lr rifles throughout america.

violent murders/homicides? probably the .380, or 9mm.. they're common calibers for commonly concealed weapons.


It's probably more closely related to availability not caliber.