Why more Christian Priest, DD or Minister converts to Islam then few or negligible number of Alim or Imam?

Christians are controlling the world. They have all power. Most of commanding countries are Christian populated. On the other hands, Muslim, now-a-days are described as Terrorist, Fundamentalist or Corrupted. Even though why those Priest, DD or Ministers find truth in Islam. Where that truth?
Almost all of them describes that Christians are very poor in their knowledge about Islam and Muslims. They only see the news of western media and listened churches. They do not read QURAN (on the contrary, religious point of view, Muslims have to believe in Bible and Jesus (PBH) though there are some contradiction in the Bible). All truth lies in the Quran, not in the life of Muslims that portrayed by western media. Muhammad (PBH) did not write Quran as they (ex-Christians) preached earlier. History says Muhammad was illiterate. How can an illiterate man write a big volume of book (containing solution of all problem of human) where more than 70 people write books which is the Bible (containing few or no solution of problems of human).
Think again!


To Most Rev. Dr. Doc Holiday, D.D.
Jesus said to his disciples to slay (kill) his enemies in front of him who deny him. It is not defined as love as christian believe.


To Most Rev. Dr. Doc Holiday, D.D.
Jesus said to his disciples to slay (kill) his enemies in front of him who deny him. It is not defined as love as christian believe.

Brother in Humanity2011-08-27T08:03:04Z

Favorite Answer

Truth must prevail.

Confessions of the New American Bible

How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans

Yusuf Estes Embrance Islam Full Version (former preacher of christianity)

Priest: Jesus Lead Me to Islam
Female Episcopal priest creates controversy by becoming a Muslim.

FEMALE British Judge converts to Islam 1/6

Who was responsible for converting the Christian Priest to Islam?

A Christian Minister's Conversion to Islam (Doctor of DIVINTY from HARVARD!)

Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith

Most Rev. Dr. Doc Holiday, D.D.2011-08-26T20:43:05Z

Your stats are skewed to start with. Islam is not a religion but a military/political machine that is bent on world domination by force of the sword. Convert or become a second class citizen or be killed. The koran says to kill your enemies, the Bible says to love your enemies and to feed them and give them water and to pray for them- which is the higher holy ground?


Only read the first few words (LOL) yea but I think christians are freaking up the world I've heard of atheists being stoned not so much in america though luckily.

A. A-W. Hussain2011-08-27T13:32:36Z

Because Islam is the ONLY religion that makes any logical and scientific sense


Dont worry. Islam is the fastest growing religion.

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