Tumbling: Standing pike?

I have my standing back tuck, but I'm working on perfecting it now. It's pretty high. Once I have a clean, solid tuck would I be able to try a pike? How exactly do you do a pike? I know it's like a straight leg tuck, but I think it would be hard not tucking.


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well first, get your standing tuck solid and high. so you prep the same and set the same, but instead of tucking, you just kind of whip over. and it shouldn't be too much harder, some people actually find it easier than a tuck.


good luck!


get your tuck verrryy very high. then.. on a tumble track, do a back handspring or round off (whichever you are more comfortable connecting skills with) and set reealllyy high. throw your arms back, whip your legs up and around, point your toes, catch your legs with your hands like in a tuck, all the while keeping your legs straight. when you are around and can see the ground, let your legs go and straighten your body and land. dont start off with the standing pike yet though on the ground. try it on a tramp or tumble track. it takes a while to get the feeling of it.


Why do you want it? I can't tuck I just pike haha! It's not as easy as tucking but it is easier since it kinda helps you whip around. Try it on a trampoline first because if your hips drop then you will lose height potentially. Goodluck.