Energy Saving Light Bulbs?
Surely if conventional bulbs produce more heat my central heating must have an easier time heating my home during the winter, Comments Please!!!
Surely if conventional bulbs produce more heat my central heating must have an easier time heating my home during the winter, Comments Please!!!
Favorite Answer
Yes, you are correct. The conversion from electric to heat is 100% efficient. 100watts light bulb will add 100watts of heat to the house.
Now the cost of the electric is more expensive than oil or gas for the equal amount of heat.
It's just not worth it it heats your house little that it would be better of not having them lit or just buy energy efficient light bulbs plus they are brighter and those other ones are dimmer so really energy saving bulbs are better
Not enough extra heat to save two cents if you use natural gas or oil to heat your place. Takes a year to recover cost on electricity saved when you buy the new bulbs. When you break one of those new compact florescents (?) are you going to call a hazmat team out to clean up the mecury spilled on your floor?