My five year old cocker spaniel has been rubbing his bum on the floor, and biting and scratching at it. It seems like it's really bothering him. He had been doing it so much that his fur had matted up and I had to cut off the mats with scissors. The skin on his bum his red and irritated, especially on the underside of his tail. There were no fleas to be found. I'm no vet, so the only guess I could make was that it's a worms problem. Is there anything else that could make his butt so irritated?
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He needs his anal glands expressed. My dog has the problem and he needs them expressed every 6 to 8 weeks. This is very painful for your dog if you dont get this done. Its cost about 35 dollars at my vet.
Cocker spaniels need routine brushing from the owner, and periodic professional grooming which apparently you aren't having done, because the grooming would include expressing the anal glands. At this point it sounds like they are neglected enough that he needs to be seen by a vet. Once his rectum has healed, either take him to a groomer on a regular schedule or have your vet show you how to express them yourself.
His Anal Glands are full and probably infected. They need to be emptied by a vet. If they are in fact Infected the vet will put him on Antibiotics to clear up the Infection. It is very painful, very aggravating and really uncomfortable for a dog.
It could mean he is having issues- anal/ rectal issues. See a vet. He may just need an anal gland cleansing (Pet grooming provides this service as well). Good luck, Hope your dog gets well.
worms, tapes as well as impacted anal glands which would need to be expressed. if it is the anal glands and left they can explode and then you have even more trouble on your hands. see your vet.