Is it "Wrong" to expose Documented Facts about Specific Religious Groups Here At Yahoo Answers?
It is a difficult task to expose, and reveal imperfections about any "religious organization" without "stepping on toes".
For months, I have attempted to ask questions that are specific, and to the point, and these questions have been characterized as "rants" and as personal attacks against members.
I have no reason, or intention to personally confront, or berate ANY member here at Yahoo Answers, but to be honest with everyone here, it is unavoidable to present this documented material without certain members perceiving it is a personal attack against them, and not the religious organization I am revealing.
The number of deletions and reports against me are a testimony to the fact that these questions are an irritant to certain members.
This question is an attempt to reveal my intentions as a member here at YA.
My intentions are NOT to make ANY personal remarks or attacks against ANY individuals here, but my intentions ARE to reveal as many personal experiences I have had in my life with specific Religious Groups, and my membership with them.
I ask then, is it Wrong to Expose documented facts and accompany them with personal experiences?
Is there a format that would be more "universally" acceptable when considering a serious subject like "False Religions?".
Can't we have a common ground to start on here? Truth and Respect?
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It is always good to ask a question which causes a person to examine their faith, as you say you are not seeking to condemn anyone.
2Ti 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. 2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, 2Ti 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 2Ti 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
And this we can do, by asking questions we can also instruct.
I would dare say that at least 80% of the stuff passed off in here is not true questions, or people truly seeking answers, as it is haters of God/christians, mocking and posting evil to vex Christians. Yet this stuff gets by. Why? Because honest Christians are not so adamant about the 'style' of a 'question' in here, but about truth going forth. It is the atheists, and haters of God, and zealous 'religious' folks who report, on basis of "it is not a perfect question".
They do not really care so much about 'obeying' there YA rules. It is just an excuse to do away with something which proves their religion is WRONG. They do not want truth. they want to deceive others with their false religion.
They are so wrapped up in their little 'religion' that they do not care what is really truth. And this is true of almost all religions.
I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from your work in here. God bless you and continue to do the work God has called you and equipped you for.
The ones who report on the basis of , Oh it is a rant; just hate truth. the only thing I ever report, and I DO report, some of the FILTH which filthy-minded folks post in here. I do not report on the style of question or just because it is not my belief. If I did, almost everything in here would get reported.
That is something I just do not do. But the filth which some post in here is an offense to any decent person. That is all I report.
Bolide ⌡shinning bacon of hope...⌠2011-09-01T14:19:12Z
If the purpose of the "Question" is to convey Information rather than to gain information, then it is not actually a "Question" but a rant with a question mark on the end.
Please don't play disingenuous, I'm sure you knew this already. Now, I don't report stuff like that, but it is feeble to knowingly post rants and expect others to accept them as questions simply because they have a word that starts with 'W' on one end and a question mark at the other.
"Truth and Respect" includes respecting the fact that other users can tell the difference between a rant and a legitimate search for information.
You want to "Expose facts", either use another forum, or accept the fact that you are intentionally violating the TOS you willingly agreed to follow and can expect to be reported for this from time to time.
It is wrong to not be able to make a point that is not the popular one without getting deleted. But it happens to us all. But this is still a good place to learn to be tolerant and try to at least understand other people's perception. Hang in there. Sometimes; if you share emails you get to know the people you seem at odds with and find out they are just messing around. As far as your sharing these documented facts; etc. ask yourself what good it would accomplish? There are some great people here both believers and non-believers. But you can't doubt yourself no matter how much taunting just stick to your beliefs or choose to change (whichever) but let it be your choice and don't let others get to you.
Relaying documented facts is always supportable and useful. Starting questions about such things with "False religions!" is inflammatory and biased -- and if you yourself are a member of another religion, probably hypocritical as well.
Present your information objectively, and factually -- and leave off the ranting parts about how it proves some religion "false." You'll get less deletions, and more honest discussion.