Why do you care so much what I believe?


Why do you care if Im religious or not?
Why do you care if Im against gay marriage or not?
Why do you care if Im pro choice or pro life?
Why do you care if Im LGBT or straight?
Why do you care?
Why do you care to prove one way or the other - what is it going to change in my life or yours?


Aww I luff you too JJ

Desta Bierbauer2011-09-01T12:43:17Z

Favorite Answer

I'm not sure I care so much except good and evil coexists with ignorance and design, and there is a blur area in the the two psycho forums. Now, I potentially helped you 'cause you seem nice and you're a girl frustrated with the way the world misunderstands everything and "cares" for crooked reasoning, so listen to my situation: I have been dubbed non white male by police: white male by police, derogoratized as a "niqqer" (my skin is brown I'm half Hungarian and Amhara -- Ethiopian, niqqer-Jew (which is black but Hamitic as opposed to ***** so it's a bit convoluted)); I've been derogatized as a "White boy", I've been (Jokingly|) called Mexican at Shawnigan Lake because of Mary my mother -- Gabriela is that; I've been asked if I'm part Asian (The Hungarians are part Asian/Native which is why my hair is straight being half black) and I've been told off as a Hindu two or three times, it's a weird insult because I think no one looks better then a proper Hindu girl; like my jealous little girl Jessie at St. Paul's who I love so much, I don't even know if she's married which throws my whole thinking on a variable; which is just part of the problem, I don't have a proper job but women love me? -- I was her foking psych patient and we had like this conceded relationship: I "do"; you know I "do" I'm a somebody but I'm not on payroll with anyone when it comes to Jess I want to write a symphony called "Hello Nurse" which I may be able to in the future (perfect pitch training (meditating an 'A' note in my head none stop since 16 -- I'm 30 (as an indirect result my i.q. is around 190 I think))); when it comes to Jess foq white is right, her brown skin is right just right: I'd taste her any time under any circumstances -- wholesale; I'd taste her menstruation to shew symbolism to her, and I'd like it...yeah sexuality our motivating drive; I'm a virgin by the way I keep the sex laws: and I can make YOU, you the girl question poser love me: do you know who said that? Tupac! Why? Because it was true, Tupac could make women love him and he figured that out and worked into some killer phrase: actually if you analyze the musical (I'm a musical genius) phrasing when he releases that line, the interval construct of the thing is pure musical/emotional genius. Even girls who would never have anything tol do with Tupac in an official way because he was such a renegade Gangster or decided they weren't partial to ***** men-- loved him Why?" 'Cause I can make you love me! I'm back! just like you expected Jesus to come back: All this because different relationship with the word Care, some care to screw you some care to save you, some just care to confusticate. I'm unofficially connected to the Safeway corporation to whatever extent and they have a slogan "We Care", and actually because of my affiliation with the honourable firm that slogan given cards counted and dealt, can't be written off as pure oxymoronycism, I'm happy with that fact and once they read this so will they be. I don't know I went through my list of girls I CARE about and suddenly came to the conclusion that I CARE about Jessie's innocent jealous heart most -- but I don't know if she has a husband like I said, she's older then me but still young; my religion says a man has to marry a virgin else he will get foked up by the angels and I'm scared to test Jesus (I'm his brother Desta (like proton and neutron)) but I have a way around this -- see I'm not a breeder (schizo) both genetically and spiritually somehow for logistic and other reasons I'm not comfortable with copulation (kinda like most gay men) but I love destroying women with my passion and I'm good at it conceivably better then any other; so that's my coincidental way around the high standards that Jesus issues for women which in this age and the Jews keeping the New Testament out of high schools you'd have to to scout middle school virgins for the purpose, which given the legal issues and the inherent artificial kinda motive inherent seems to blast the whole premise in the first place. And I care about you because your question is three things, edgy, progressive, and fundamentally good natured and void of futile game-playing: you're a business-doing girl and your throwing the rod to your fellows and lessers; cheer up we Care Together!



This is why:

Romans 10:12-15 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, (13) for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (14) How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (15) And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

Bottom line, I care about you don't want you to perish.


When god told us to eat everything on the planet, he must have given that same speech to the bacteria. We are really just here because the bacteria allows us to be.


if you keep it to your home and place of worship--i could care less what silliness you engage in. Problem is the religious tend to want to make everyone else live the same way they do. When that happens the world needs to see what kind of silliness you are espousing.



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