Can I learn to like the taste of Salmon?

I want to eat healthier (especially when we go out to eat) and know that salmon is a good choice but I don't like the taste. For me it's too 'fishy' tasting. I prefer flounder/cod/tilapia.....very mild tasting fish. Does anybody have suggestions for how I can learn to like this fish.


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It sounds like you have a valid reason for your distaste. You can grow to be able to accept the flavor, but if you don't like it, you don't like it. FLounder, cod, and tilapia are all also very good for you, as long as they're not deep fried to within an inch of their lives.


You might but only time will tell but you probably wont as if u dnt like it then tthat's not guna change

but if you want to eat it then why not chop it up and add it to potato and make fish cakes fish fingers but with salmon and not white fish

i have the same problem and i mix mine with any thing and its great just dnt think of it in there that's the key

thanks Dean R


Salmon can be good if you mix it with certain sauces. It's too bad you don't like it's natural flavor.

I know a great sauce that would go well with it to maybe cover up the taste. That thick green stuff that people eat with sushi. I believe Japan made it. Wasabi or something like that.


I put lemon pepper all over it or grill it with tons of butter n some salt. It tastes much better.


Certainly! You can learn to like the taste of anything, really.

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