Without looking, do you even know what years the first world war was fought?

Metallica Rules the World ♥'s Iggy!2011-09-02T12:22:10Z

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Nope and I don't really care.... way before my time, that's all I know


Yes... 1914-1918. USA joined in 1917, and the war ended November 11th 1918.

Then again, I'm a History professor and Naval Officer.

No Chance Without Obnoxious Cole Fan2011-09-02T11:49:51Z

Some argue it lasted longer and that there weren't 2 world wars, just 1 that lasted 31 years.

Häschen Mädchen2011-09-02T11:50:55Z

WW1 was fought from 1914 to 1918, right? My mind fails me today...

Iggy Luv's Lori2011-09-02T12:24:15Z

Before I looked I though of 1918, Brave men who help Mold America.

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