what is the best mouth wash to use? and what is more better for you mouthwash or salt water?

this is a question for im hoping a dentist can answer for me...
what is the better to use salt water or mouth wash? and what mouth wash is more better for you?
This is two questions.
thank you.


Favorite Answer

Mild salt water is preferable to those mouth wash containing acids, as acids harm enamel, the most important part of our teeth. Moreover, salt water helps gums, the main supportive of the teeth not to degenerate. Other than salt water, mouth wash approved by experts and labelled acids free can be best, but in different countries, they differ by name.


Non-alcohol products are best. Listerine is awful for you, but Listermint is alcohol free.
Using alcohol products on a regular basis can alter the tissue leaving you susceptible to precancerous conditions.
Salt water isn't something you use as a daily rinse. You would use that if you had something wrong, something in your mouth you needed to heal.
I use ACT daily. I like it because it is non-alcohol (green bottle) and has fluoride and is mild tasting.


I like Listerine