I taking my horse to camp for 2 days. I am not spending the night there but my horse is but all her feed,bedding etc is taken care of. I feel like I'm forgetting some things. We are doing dressage one day, and jumping and cross country the next. And we are also having a show. So can you make me a list of EVERYTHING I'll need? For me and her! For both days! Thank you!!!
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4pairs of jodphures Your show jackets and tops Fly spray Fly sheet Fly mask Rug Saddle pads Saddle bridle Boots( for you and your horse) Grooming kit Head collar and lead rope First aid kit Water All your belongings :) Have a nice time !! And good luck xx
Dressage saddle all purpose/jumping saddle girths Saddle pad(s) helmet Bridles Boots (For you and your horse) breeches Polo shirt or whatever you're require to wear Half chaps treats :) Grooming supplies Hunt coat Show shirt Bring extra of things just in case medical stuff just in case
For your horse: Saddle Bridle Treats (optional) halter and lead rope if she wears bell boots or anything like that you might want to bring them Fly spray fly sheet and fly mask (optional) And that's what I can think of right now.. I'm probably missing something though.
For you: Helmet Riding boots Breeches and all your other riding clothing water bottle camera
And that's what I can think of that you would need.
I've always found it helpful to have some good rope, some spare lengths of hay string and a good knife along with me. They can make up for other things you find you need and don't have.
Does not hurt to know how to tie the bowline knot.
Saddle Girth Bridle Saddle cover helmet boots helmet and boot covers fly spray any boots you have fly masks if you have them fly sheets if you have them any medication she needs