Again and again and again on this forum...?

Christians site the "anthropic" principle as evidence for their God. Again and again and again I ask, why does supposed evidence for an uncaused cause, a prime mover, an intelligent designer, provide evidence for the Christian God? Some sort of prime mover, who caused creation and designed our universe could easily be Brahman of the Hindus or Allah of the Muslims. Merely saying there must have been a creator does nothing to prove Christianity, yet so many people on here act as is the two are connected. Why is that?


@ Sheltie Lover:


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Not to mention the problems with using the anthropic principle as proof of anything since all it really says is "We're here because we are, so there!"

Michelle Joseph as Proserpine2011-09-04T06:00:47Z

How can you be a Christian without proving the existence of the Creator to yourself?

I am an Echatologist.
And I am a Christian.

I am concerned about proving the existence of God to myself.
But have never been moved to become involved in proving Christianity by His existence.........
because all I have to do is look around me......
Christianity is an undeniable reality.
Not a very pretty one granted....... (its conduct would be a subject for a different time)

I can see the merit of your question challenging the existence of a Christian God.......
I am not following the logic......
unless God's existence for some reason marks a particlar brand of Christianity as be the only true one????
And that logic would be silly.

So after reading the question's added details again and again this is what I think you are saying.....
"Why do Christians make God into a Christian God." when there are so many other "flavors" of God out there?
Because they believe they understand correctly who He is??
My guess.


Beasticus Tofudii2011-09-04T17:10:21Z

I'm guessing the thought process goes something like this:

Step 1: Prove there had to be a creator.

Step 2: Prove that the creator had to be the Christian god.

I assume that once they are done with #1, they will move on to proving #2.

Jabber wock2011-09-04T05:17:13Z

It's backwards logic.

If you want to prove a clever designer, first you have to prove design, then that it's clever, and finally who designed it.


For unintelligent design, we can refer to bananas:

1) Bananas are hard to peel by whales.
2) Bananas aren't easily digested by whales.
3) Bananas usually grow far from the coast, so are inaccessible to whales.

Thus it's perhaps proof of an incompetent creator unicorn, producing wholly unsuitable whale food.

Assuming you don't need actual *evidence* to establish any such purpose or identity of creator, that is.


Because even though it is not your belief, it is theirs and people stick to their beliefs, no matter what . I would add, though, that I think if you asked a Hindu, A Muslim or anyone of another faith ,they would all say theirs is correct. That's why. I believe there is a creator and I don't think it matters if you call 'him' God, Allah, Brahman. whatever. I believe people have been praying to the same God for ever and they don't even know it.

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