If the Federal Government shooting us in the foot?

US Government raided Gibson Guitars!

Federal agents converged on Gibson Guitars manufacturer and, at gun point,
seized wood and shut down production. All this over an alleged violation of
Indian law!
Gibson has hired close to 500 employees in the past two years. The also
Is the Federal Government shooting us in the foot?


Favorite Answer

Yes, the current administration is VERY anti business,,,like the NLRB sueing Boeing and now AT&T

ibu guru2011-09-05T14:56:52Z

You betcha! Ever wonder why so many companies have moved out of the US? Stop wondering. Gibson's example shows some of the reasons why companies are fleeing the US. This current administration is the most anti-business govt in history and is the immediate cause of the unemployment rate skyrocketing. Can't find a job? Well, yes, it really is That Stinker's fault.

Consider moving to another country. Bet Gibson is - cuz if they don't, they're dead.


More like shooting us in the HEAD! This administration more closely resembles a Communist dictatorship than a U.S. President.

This president is making his own laws, rather than upholding our Constitution. And the SCARY part is that federal judges are protecting him when suits are brought against him that should be recognized!! Like all his Social Security numbers, for instance! That is a proven FACT, yet federal judges are protecting him from felony charges by simply saying "He has a right to his privacy"!! Does that mean he has a right to break our laws and destroy our country?!