How much can my GPA move up after one quarter?

Well, I have a 3.44 GPA, i'm a junior in high school, and it's currently the first quarter (it just started), just wondering how much my GPA can move up just after the first quarter?


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Quarters do not affect your GPA. GPA is calculated after a semester. They calculate the GPA with this rubric:

A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0

You add these points and divide it by the number of classes you have. For example: I had an A in Calculus, B in Physics, A in English, A in Government, and a B in Statistics. That would be (4+3+4+4+3)/5 = 17/5 = 3.4 GPA. Only way you can get your GPA to move up is to get good grades by the end of your semester.