What am I looking for tonight? (M101 supernova)?

Okay.. Make a triangle with Alkaid and Mizar as one leg, and then look for what?
A Star that shouldn't be there? (point of light that isn't normally there..)
If anybody can list off some possible false positives and the approximate apparent magnitude of this event, I would be very grateful.


18" reflector. Should be adequate.
The problem with google is not that there is not enough info out there. It's the too much thing... So I am blatantly using you astronomer types as my filter :) Thank you for the links!


** especially the Night Skies Network. I'm going to be lost in there for a while....


Favorite Answer

Well, ..., Read the following article and review the pictures that are attached to the article and that should help you find it: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/community/skyblog/observingblog/128430288.html

PS 18" of aperture should be enough to to observe the supernova in M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy). The unfortunate hurdle that you have to overcome is the moon. You'll have to wait until after moonset to see it. Which means ~1:31AM. Another factor is that the handle of the big dipper s low on the horizon so you're also going to need some clear dark skies and an unobstructed view of the horizon to look through after the moon sets'