If you had a day off each week, what day would you choose?

I'm debating between Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. Monday and Friday would both give me a 3-day weekend. Wednesday would break up the 5-day week into two 2-day groups. Which one would you choose if you were able to work 4 days a week instead of 5?


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My last job used to give us 4 day weeks and the day off would rotate so sometimes you'd have Monday, sometimes Tuesday, sometimes Wednesday and so on..
My first choice would be Wednesday because breaking up the week rocks. You only have to work 2 days then a break.. then 2 days then a weekend ! It's awesome. second choice would be Friday because you work 4 days as usual then you get a nice 3 day weekend.. I wouldn't like Mondays simply because coming back the Tuesday after a long weekend blows. lol
But either way you get a nice short 4 day week so enjoy !


I would go with Friday. It would help so much to have the extra time in the weekend.


i would pick friday and monday(: