What can people do to give glory to God?

I would like to hear from those who are trying to figure out the truth as well as believers.


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Do small things with great love - it is easier to cure the hunger for bread than it is to cure the hunger for love.


Humble the self.

Illusion is that which appears, seems real, but then disappears like a mirage but Truth (reality) is that which is and has been always. Self is a delusion that mixes and dilutes Truth (reality) with illusion. Time is a word we use to describe illusion and its nature while Life is Truth and is always. Life is already Eternal but it is the deluded mind that mixes Life and time and then lives by the philosophy of "lifetime". We have been given time in order to make a decision of which we want more Truth which brings us the nature of the Truth or more illusion which brings us the nature of illusion. Death is the result of the nature of illusion. We must reap what we sow. God simply doesn't want us to wait til we die but to realize the Truth now and humble the time created and therefore illusory self identity for the sake of the Truth which is the imagless Spirit of Life our loving Father whom Jesus came to introduce us to and to teach us how to humble the self.


Give out kindness to all without bias and preference.Just imagine if you could do no other but be kind at all times.Now that would be a remarkable challenge and would answer your question without using religion or dogma as an excuse..It would also give you a remarkable purpose within yourself and outwardly and minimize the ego to one centre ,as good as any purpose anyone could have.


Martin Luther once told a shoemaker who asked him this question, "Make a good shoe, and sell it for a fair price." Basically, be good people, and your life will do the glorifying for you.


Do nothing more that become what God created you to be. Love justice, give mercy, walk humbly.

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