Neck pain to inner ear?

Twice today, I've felt a sudden tightness in the left side of my neck near the front and when I tipped my head to the right to stretch it out I felt an intense pain in my left ear. Any ideas as to what's going on?


Favorite Answer

The ear has fibers in it that are connected to the cranial nerve. stimulation to the cranial nerve can cause just the symptoms you describe. The problem in the ear can be a lot of different things I.E. ear infection, foreign object, a tumor (usually benign) sinus infection, impact injury. The only thing to do about it is to have a doctor take a look in there and see what's going on. Usually this sort of thing resolves on it's own but if it doesn't, you need to see a doctor.


Pain In The Inner Ear

Douglas B2011-09-10T06:19:20Z

Your neck muscles tightened up to give you that tightness you felt. Your neck muscles go to the top of your head for its movements so when you tipped your head the muscles were able to press onto the nerves going to your ears, they are right next to the neck muscles for this to happen. To get rid of the problem and to keep it from happening again you have to free up your neck muscles and here's how to free them up:
Neck Release:
Place your hands behind your head touching your fingers. Press into the back of your neck with them and hold the pressure on them. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head until your neck is fully extended. Release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.


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